Tell Your Story

by Michael Feeley
GO AND TELL your story.
Let people know who you are and what you do.
Take the lovely risk of allowing others to connect, identify, and feel who you are and to see possibilities with all kinds of empathy.
Let goodwill flourish in stories.
Build trust.
In sync.
Encourage others to tell their story.
It takes some courage to be known, but think of the courage others can gain from learning about your life experience, goodness, strengths, hesitations, skills, loves, losses, connections, gratitude, fears, doubts, insecurities, failures, hopes, intentions, heart aches, successes, regrets, dreams+++
Isn’t being known – understood – valued – what we each hope for? The “I see and hear you” personal impact and profound satisfaction it brings?
Tell your story with your song, writing, dance, painting, sales, tailoring, property management, coaching, marketing, videos, website design, editing, business, products, services.
Your story will encourage people to buy your book and order additional copies to give to friends.
Your story will make people drive across town for your pizza because it’s the best they have ever tasted.
Your story will have people decide to coach with you to create change and improve their lives.
Be proud of who you are.
Trust people with your ‘self.’
Let your story make other people’s lives better.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Victim or Hero – What’s Your Story?