Technology is Connection and Freedom

by Michael Feeley
HOW MUCH ARE you taking advantage of technology – allowing it to meet your potential?
I can work from nearly any place on earth with electricity – internet – a computer – a phone – and my daily commitment
to do my work and share it.
I coach people worldwide with Zoom video conferencing one-to-one and teamwork with other coaches in group workshops. This work is precisely what I want to do and what some other people on the same path, are looking for from me.
I love the freedom and connection with people that technology makes for as I help people improve their lives –
live their dreams – be expressed – creative – and do work they love.
I feel immense gratitude for technology as I go after creating change – hoping to make things better for myself – others – and the world.
How does technology complete you?
Here’s another way to stay connected to the work I do with weekly inspiration – Commit2Change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and connect with others.
I like this for you also – We Want a Balanced Life.