Survival is a Skill

by Michael Feeley
I am a survivor. I get through all kinds of challenges – physical and emotional health questions, financial and personal life choices, bullying, discrimination, relationships, building new careers, and maturing with age. I work to land on my feet and bounce back quickly, to come to terms with things, and I see that survival is a skill of mine.
I figure out problems and deal with situations. I find meaning and purpose in things. I get through because I’m resourceful and resilient. I’m strong, and I adapt. It’s part of my nature. Choices that I’ve worked at for years. Practicing living life with optimism, enthusiasm, and purpose even when the world comes barreling down on me with trouble.
I’m seldom stopped by fears or rejection. I don’t like to give up or quit. I create a plan to succeed through and out of difficulties.
I don’t just want to survive life. I want to live it fully with as much joy and gratitude as possible.
The will to survive is a powerful and graceful choice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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