Stick to Your Guns

by Michael Feeley
WHEN RESEARCHING THE meaning of Stand Your Ground, I ran across these words – Stick to Your Guns.
Both the same and different.
It means to be persistent and consistent, to push on, stick to something and be diligent.
Originally it was a command to sailors who handled the guns on military boats not to leave the posts even if the enemy captured the ships.
Later the phrase spread out to include anybody who was unmoved in his conviction or decision.
It’s an empowering, spiriting phrase.
> For me, it’s about commitment because when I commit to something, I’m in 100 percent and more. So I stick to my guns
to follow through, to finish up.> As a life coach, I stick to the choice never to miss an opportunity to coach someone and encourage them to live
their best lives.
> I also stick to my guns not to be connected to negative people.
> I stick to my guns that gratitude is strength and one of the most powerful emotions in the world to practice daily.
> And I stick to my guns that you are responsible for the kind of life you live. Your choices create the quality of your life.
Where do you stick to your guns?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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#618 (Depositphoto – Vasco da Gama bridge – Lisbon, Portugal)