Stand Your Ground

by Michael Feeley
THERE’S STRENGTH AND CONFIDENCE in the words – Stand Your Ground – which means personally holding to an idea with bravery—facing something—not running away.
There’s justice and integrity – choice and commitment – to what you believe.
I researched and learned that Stand Your Ground is a law stating that people can use deadly force to protect themselves against crimes and bodily harm.
I’m speechless thinking about “using deadly force” even as it makes sense.
I think of many people and historical events who stood their ground:
The French and Russian Revolutions
World War I and WW II
The brutal murder of George Floyd
It’s all about people holding their ground for freedom, justice, and change, personally and for the entire world.
Sometimes you may feel you stand alone, but you must stand for what is right. Stand for the truth and lead.
Right is might.
I have stood up for myself, for my beliefs and lifestyle, often being seen as different, bullied for living as my true self,
choosing to fight for my rights and the rights of others. Uncompromising because I passionately wanted and deserved to be true to who I Am.
When and for what have you stood your ground?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Describe Not Discriminate.
#617 (Google image – 1963 March on Washington, DC)