Skills Lead and Win

by Michael Feeley
I coach people about career change. How to reinvent your ‘self.’
The key to pivoting in a career to something similar or new is to value your skills. Know your skills and recognize the importance of your training, life experiences, and knowledge. Be confident that all your abilities and gifts are transferable to other industries.
I have been in the tough, emotional spot of ending a long-time beloved acting career and being afraid that I had no credentials, that all my years of training as an actor were worthless, and that I’d be unable to find another job. I was wrong.
Then, at 58, I lost a 13-year job as a headhunter and was scared about how I’d make money, thinking I was too old to start over. I was wrong again.
Yes. Change is challenging and frightening, but as a coach, I help people see that their skills and attitude will lead them to new work options.
Coaching is your opportunity to get through the marathon of a job change or to get unstuck in your present job, see it with fresh eyes, and get you into the stadium and onto the winner platform. You have so much potential.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – You’ve Got Skills – Use Them.