Skills and Values

by Michael Feeley
Skills and values are related, but there is a difference between them.
Skills are about abilities, knowledge, and competency. For example – Maybe you have skills in speaking languages, organization, service, savvy with technology, ease with mathematics, drawing, singing, architecture, writing+++
Values are your ethical choices and deeply personal beliefs that affect your behavior and how you live and treat others, such as respect, kindness, empathy, creativity, reliability, courage, justice, curiosity, forgiveness, honesty, positivity, trustworthiness, and truth.
You learn skills and values by practicing. Both skills and values are choices and actions.
You can practice and improve your skills and practice and improve the integrity of your life and what you stand for. This is who I Am.
Both skills and values work together.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – You’ve Got Skills – Use Them.