Shocked But Resilient

by Michael Feeley
We can be shocked by how the world is changing and how assertive and careless (care – less) some people can be with reorganization and new ways of doing things.
We can let people and things debilitate us, or we can be resilient.
We can yield, be weak, compliant, or helpless.
Helpless doesn’t describe me. It never has. There are better choices to make and opportunities to create with what is in front of me and us: to watch, be curious, plan, and regroup with others who also want positive change, security, and happiness because welfare, well-being matter in a vital way—the welfare and well-being of others and the world we all live in now and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
Sometimes, playing the backfield is wise; not being the alpha dog and the choice still makes you a leader with strength and action for goodness and positive change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Change the Way It Is.