Service and Sales

by Michael Feeley
THE MOST IMPORTANT thing I’ve learned about service and sales is to care about people. Call them clients or customers; they are people like you and me who have dreams, wants, needs, fears, doubts, hopes, and desires, and you’ll want to understand who they are and meet their desires.
> Gain others’ trust. Be generous, help people get what they want, and exceed their expectations.
> Know your audience. Not just their demographics but go a step deeper into their psychographics. What music do they like? What art is on their walls? Where and how do they like to travel and live? What are their favorite brands? What issues do they believe in and fight against?
> Thrill your people. Do all you can to encourage them to return to you, your products and service, again and again, and to tell others of their remarkable experience with you. Word of mouth is the most essential marketing tool we have.
> Share your feelings about your work. Show emotions and support others to show what they feel. That’s empathy, which sells, so pour your heart and soul into it.
> Caring means listening. Take action to solve problems, and helping people’s wishes come true.
Even when hired to hustle and develop new clients (required to make 500 cold calls a week and earn a new client), I still cared about people more than numbers, and I showed that in every call, every note I wrote, every meeting I gained. Quality service drives me. It’s my oxygen. My way of living.
Here is a new quote on service I’m loving::
“Service, for me, for us, is not a transactional act. It’s not a trick we undertake to get people to give us their money.
Yes, of course, great service has strategic value. Every day we go out with the belief that we need to re-earn
our customer’s trust and make it worthwhile for people to want to spend time and money with us.
But really, service is a way of being in the world.” – Ari Weinzweig, Cofounder, Zingerman’s
The kind of service you offer is your choice.
Trust yourself and lead with extraordinary service.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Two Kinds of Service.