See and Be Seen

by Michael Feeley
You can learn something from every person and thing at any moment.
You can practice how you want to lead your life and how you want to treat other people and things.
You can choose to have empathy and hope to understand other people, or you can be cold and unkind.
You can be grateful that someone went out of their way to bring you fresh croissants, or you can be irritated because now you owe them.
You can be short and dismissive in your emails and telephone conversations or generous and friendly, giving more information than expected.
You can learn how to thrive like an oasis in the desert or just be barren, bleak, lifeless.
Live with respect or live with contempt.
Lead with goodwill or ill will.
Our choices create our lives and build our reputations.
How do you want to see and act, and how do you want to be seen and treated?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Goodwill.