Saving Energy is the Right Choice

by Michael Feeley
WHAT CAN YOU do to save energy?
It’s a crucial question these days because of the effects of climate change we are all living with.
Change is a choice and starts with your commitment to save energy and join with others. While your intention to save energy is valuable, more happens when other people work together – community action.
– Be serious about recycling – separate bottles from plastics, paper, and cardboard.
– Reuse bottles and jars and make a scrap paper pile for notes and lists. Paper has two sides.
– Bring your own shopping bags and boxes to the grocery stores.
– Conserve water when doing dishes and showering. Don’t let it run. Turn water on and off.
– Water plants with a watering can instead of running a hose.
– Wash your laundry in cold water and air dry instead of using an electric dryer.
– Turn off electricity whenever possible – shut off computers and phones at night.
– Use solar lights around your home.
– Plant a vegetable garden and grow some of your food.
– Take buses and trains and create carpools.
– Invest in an electric car or bicycle.
– Find out about renewable energy and carbon’s impact, greenhouse gases, the economy, food, and agriculture+++.
Let’s use our collective energy to save energy and our planet. The work is urgent, pleasurable, positive, and so hopeful.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Nature is a Leader and a Teacher.