Sales and Self

by Michael Feeley
I KNOW THREE THINGS about successful sales.
1. Make something people want.
2. Care about people.
3. Give quality service.
I learned this at age seven, building my businesses – shoveling snow, mowing grass, selling Christmas cards, and delivering newspapers. It’s worked for me as an actor, travel agent, headhunter, real estate broker, writer, and executive coach.
When you sell a product or service, you’re selling your ‘self,’ which includes your business or the company you work for.
You’re making a living, gaining profits, branding, marketing, and telling your story about value.
Hopefully, you’re selling something you believe in (not hustling people) because your name is on it, and integrity matters.
Truth counts. People will judge you, and they will talk about you.
Here are three specific sales questions to answer:
1. Who is this product or service for?
2. What do you hope to achieve?
3. What effect will your work have?
Know your specific audience. Demographics and psychographics. Who will buy and benefit from your service and
your product?
What does success look like – money earned, learning, connections, growth, change?
Your effect on others is critical because you work with people – humanity. You’re offering a solution to a problem people have. You’re helping people get results – to get what they want. So – build what people want and do it with heart and strategy.
Spoil and thrill the heck out of people with quality service. Be generous and give people more than they expect.
For me, the most important skill in successful sales is the choice to have empathy. Emotions and logic are involved when you care about people – care about understanding their thoughts, feelings, and desires, including their fears and doubts.
When people feel cared for and respected, you create trust, and people will only buy from you when they trust and believe in you. They will choose you above all the others – “Nobody Else Will Do.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Service and Sales.