
by Michael Feeley
RESPECT – treating other people the way you want to be treated.
Respect is regard and admiration for someone or something, given as deserved, even if you disagree with how things are.
Respect offers opportunities to listen, learn and talk with goodwill, kindness, and justice.
Respect honors the rights and feelings of other people.
Respect has trust to it, security, and well-being.
You can learn respect and practice it in all circumstances – at home, work, with family, friends, strangers, and objects.
Respect is a reflection of your character.
We want to be respected and should always show respect.
You can’t force another person to respect you, and you should never stand for disrespect. Self-respect encourages others to respect you.
Respect is a choice.
Respect is earned.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily to promote respect.
This is also vital – Respect and Contempt has Consequences.