Rendezvous with YOU

by Michael Feeley
WHY NOT HAVE a rendezvous with your ‘self’?
You know – take yourself out on a date. Set up an arranged time where you have a meeting with just you – one on one – reconnect with who you are – get to know yourself better.
Honor yourself.
Renew and celebrate you.
Love yourself.
You spend the most time with yourself, so why not have some bottomless fun. Go ahead – have an affair, a fling with you!
Go to a favorite restaurant for lunch or dinner or out to a park, beach, or favorite place. Bring a pad of paper and a pen and write down things about yourself – questions and thoughts you have.
– What things are you proudest of in your life?
– Where do you respect yourself?
– What are you grateful for?
– What do you want to change about your ‘self’?
– What dreams do you still hunger to fulfill?
Relax into being you and, connect with your center, values, wishes, challenges and see what comes up.
I’m reminded of this self-loving meditation I do daily. Speak it out loud to yourself:
May you be well my dear _______________________(put in your full name)
May you be safe, my good friend.
May you live in joy and peace, my love.
Celebrate and love yourself and then keep the celebration and love (the meaning of your birth and life) going all year long…
for the rest of your life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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