
by Michael Feeley
We all run into rejection.
How do you deal with rejection – not getting the approval you want, maybe not getting a job, not having your work liked or accepted, or even regarding relationships?
Some people are daunted and frustrated by rejection and take it personally. Others keep moving right through it and seldom take no for an answer. They are determined to succeed and look for other opportunities to be approved of. They keep trying to get what they want because they have confidence in themselves and their skills. They don’t give up and aren’t pushy or obnoxious in their pursuit of getting ahead.
It’s key to ask – What was indeed rejected? Were you refused, or was your project? If your work was rejected, it doesn’t necessarily mean you were rejected.
Rejection is an opportunity to learn and change, improve your work, and grow as a person.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – People Pleasing or People Serving.