Reinventing Yourself

by Michael Feeley
It might be time to look for a new job or career. Maybe you’re considering reinventing yourself, doing something radically different and new.
It’s possible.
Embrace whatever change is happening. Be it the circumstances or your desire to shake things up, shift gears, or shed the old for something new, fulfillment, and personal growth.
Figure out what you want to do and why.
Take what you have now and go further. Dare yourself with logic and heart.
Make a list of your skills because all your skills, talents, knowledge, experience, abilities, gifts, and attitudes are transferable wherever you go.
Possibilities and opportunities are open to you in your career adventure. New points of view. Advancement for doing what you dream of or may have put on hold.
In the process of change and recreating who you are and what you do, you may land where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re meant to be doing here on earth in your one precious life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – What’s Your Value?