Procrastination Can Be Good

by Michael Feeley
LET’S PUT A new spin on procrastination.
What if procrastination is a good thing, not something to be ashamed of or angry about but an opportunity to know yourself better – to see procrastination as a healthy choice?
PRO-crastinating – FOR-crastinating.
Maybe the delay and postponement of something is a signal you can be grateful for and use to learn about yourself, to change a negative attitude into a better choice to release pain and stress and avoid chaos.
Slowness, pausing, putting off, and being late might be on purpose. You don’t want to do something for a positive and vital reason.
You weren’t born a procrastinator. It’s a learned human behavior. Somewhere along the line, you decided procrastination was for you. There are details to understand, perhaps to unlearn, and the relief of change comes with knowledge and self-kindness.
> What is the flip side to procrastinating?
Promptness – motivation – decisiveness – being proactive and productive – mindful of commitments and goals – finding new direction – shifting from low self-esteem and fear to creativity, purpose, confidence, gratitude, pride, in your work and self.
> What does procrastination bring up for you?
> How can you procrastinate with a purpose you respect?
> How can you see procrastination as a friend?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is key also – Fight Resistance.