Process Practice Progress

by Michael Feeley
I WOKE UP thinking about process, and that in itself (waking up) is a process.
Process is about change and decision – the particular steps you choose to take to reach a goal. It’s a procedure – a routine – a practice – progress.
It’s full of unknowns, such as the process of living your life.
It includes deciding the work you want to do to make a living – where you live and how – the people you connect with – maybe the process of working to achieve world peace – ending discrimination of all kinds – manufacturing a product – maintaining your health – writing, and publishing daily.
It’s you deciding to show up and do the work, even when you don’t want to. You go with it. No guarantees of the outcome, but you take action. You have a practice and a process.
Trying and doing work. My practice and process work for me. I’m not stalling, hiding, or complaining.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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