Practice Living Life

by Michael Feeley
YOU CAN PRACTICE living life just like you practice driving, learning a language, cooking, reading, and writing, jumping rope, playing guitar, self-publishing, and you can do it wherever you go. Life is mobile.
Like all things, how you live, and practice life depends on what you put into it.
There are no guarantees that life will be great. Life is not just smooth. It can be rough, and practice has that built into it.
It goes well sometimes, and it can also be a bust.
Practicing life takes work. It’s a choice and a commitment to do the work so you can live your best life and make it count –
to love your life – live it full out – and make it magnificent.
You control your life and the results. The quality of your life is in your hands.
Why not practice Living Your Best Life?
Relish living and make your practice of life count because life is more than a routine.
It’s an incredible opportunity full of possibilities.
Thanks – Michael
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See what you think of this also – Be The Best.