Position Yourself

by Michael Feeley
If you plan to open a business, position yourself in the right way from the beginning.
Why are you doing this?
What do you want and hope to achieve?
What do you offer?
Who are the specific people you want to attract and serve? Demographics and psychographics and avoid ‘everyone.’
What timeline and money do you have as assets, and will they support your project?
Study the competition:
Who is presently doing what you want to do?
How successful are they?
Why are they successful?
What can you learn from them?
What can you borrow from them – ideas, services, marketing?
What do their customers say about them?
What makes it convenient and easy for people to get their services?
Positioning your business has a strategy. Let it help you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Strategy All the Time.