Plans Connect and Change

by Michael Feeley
WHEN I START my day, I have a plan, and I’m often pulled to do other things. I see it’s always related to the original plan, and the sidetrack is never stressful and still a good thing.
The sidetrack action is usually the thing I most want to do, so I go with the flow – I follow my gut and also let
the universe guide me.
> Taking out the garbage led me to stop in the garage and pull out two bags of potting soil to transplant a few overgrown plants in pots.
> Going to the hardware store encouraged me to go further into town and buy copy paper for my printer, order bread at the bakery for the weekend, and get takeout food for lunch.
> Meditation spontaneously led me to stretch and do a few Yoga poses.
> Writing my Daily Blog enabled me to publish real estate sales and new listings of homes we’re selling and renting.
See how things are connected and how valuable it is to be aware of multiple tasks that suddenly appear and then
choose to go with the surprising project that presents itself to you.
Trust yourself. Follow your intuition hits. Maybe sidetracks are what you are meant to do and want to do.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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