Passion, Gratitude and Freedom of Choice

by Michael Feeley
One of my favorite plays is George Bernard Shaw’s – Saint Joan – because Jeanne d’Arc’s passionate words for freedom – the desperate choice not to be imprisoned – locked away from the things she loves – beautifully ring in my head and heart, as we live with a pandemic and cannot always have the freedom to come and go as we want.
It’s a message of gratitude and love and how much freedom means to us. The value of very specific things in our lives.
“…It is not the bread and water I fear: I can live on bread: When have I asked for more?
It is not the hardship to drink water if the water be clean.
Bread has no sorrow for me, and water no affliction.
But to shut me from the light of the sky and the sight of the fields and flowers –
to chain my feet so that I can never again ride with the soldiers nor climb the hills –
to make me breath foul damp darkness, and keep from me everything that brings me back to the love of God…
if only I could still hear the wind in the trees,
the larks in the sunshine,
the young lambs crying through the healthy frost,
and the blessed blessed church bells that send my angel voices floating to me on the wind.
But without these things I cannot live…”
♦ ♦
Freedom is Joan of Arc’s passion and specific gratitude drives her. They make her brave and magnificent.
Isn’t this how you hope to live your life? I do!
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post to encourage passion and gratitude and freedom of choice.
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