Out of Hibernation

by Michael Feeley
Some people I coach about their careers choose to stay in their present jobs for various reasons, but mostly because they don’t want to deal with the change of writing a new resume, looking for work, and interviewing. The process seems too much until they are emotionally and physically ready for a specific job change, which is perfectly understandable.
When you make the choice to stay in your current role, you embark on a journey of self-reflection. This process creates the opportunity for you to excel in your current position, leading to a more fulfilling work life. By examining the details, facts, and emotions of your daily tasks and responsibilities in a new light, you can refresh, reset, and rejuvenate yourself and your role. Keep what works well and change where you know you can improve and also where you want to build change up and out.
It’s like coming out of hibernation, the way an animal or plant does after being inactive and dormant during the winter months.
It’s a journey of self-discovery, awakening to your true self and what you genuinely want, studying and valuing the worth of your unique skills, talents, gifts, experience, intentions, and living up to your potential in a way that fills you with pride and gratitude.
You can hibernate to hide and remove yourself, or you can hibernate to renew yourself.
When you come out of hibernation, you have new energy and hunger for your work. Renewing excitement, planning, and inspiration, you felt when you first got your job.
The enjoyable part of this awakening is that you have the power to choose the ‘animal’ or ‘plant’ you want to be in your career journey – a bear, groundhog, bat, snail, ladybug, rose bush, daylily, hydrangea, tulip, daffodil, lavender bush. This choice reflects your unique self, aspirations, and potential. It’s an image to carry with you daily as you start fresh.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Reinvent is Different from Rest.