Organized Chaos

by Michael Feeley
ORGANIZED CHAOS ARE two words that describe what goes on in the world and ourselves. We’re always trying to create balance and stability.
– Grocery stores have all kinds of different foods and products arranged on shelves in isles. It could be chaos, and it’s not.
– Architectural plans create systematic change as a home is torn apart and put back together in a timely, reconstructive way.
– Emails arrive in your computer, one by one, filled with ideas, spam, questions, and answers for you to sort out.
– Individual letters form words and sentences trying to make some logical and emotional sense of the world and our feelings.
– Society and politics have systems and rules of order hoping to avoid chaos. Maybe freedom and order is the best way to describe it or freedom and disorder.
Isn’t creativity, of all kinds, a desire to bring order out of chaos?
Dutch graphic designer MC Escher was a genius at making these opposites one in his art and described it this way:
“We adore chaos because we love to produce order.”
Where do you see organized chaos existing in your self and the outside world?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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