Open or Narrow-Minded?

by Michael Feeley
Not expansive, not generous, not open.
Narrow-mindedness is a deliberate choice – unwilling to listen or change your mind or opinions about what is different
from yours – insular, hidden, small-minded, short-sighted, rigid, prejudiced, moralistic.
You can also see narrow-minded as strong – determined – focused – sticking to your guns.
Do you see the two choices/ possibilities here?
We can justify anything if we are not open-minded.
> How available to learning and change are you?
> How progressive, transparent, adaptable, collaborative, imaginative, creative, curious, intentional, self-critical are you?
Here’s what Irish playwright Bernard Shaw thinks :
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
Thanks – Michael Feeley (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
I think this is also important – Your Choice – Respect or Contempt.