
by Michael Feeley
I’M THINKING ABOUT our ability to notice – paying attention to something – being aware – observing – conscious –
curious, deep inquiry.
Noticing how happy you get when you learn something new.
Noticing the difference between words like compliment and complement.
Noticing and learning about things like NFTs.
Noticing the needs of others.
Noticing injustice and how people can hurt themselves and each other.
Noticing and taking action to speak your mind with honesty and kindness.
Noticing things that aren’t worth your time and that can even be people.
Noticing beauty.
Noticing your gratitude.
Noticing all kinds of choices you can make about the quality of your life.
Noticing is a skill and art you can practice, helping you know the truth about yourself and the world.
There is so much worth noticing.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and notice what happens.
This is also valuable – Your Choice for Steady Goodwill.