No is Yes

by Michael Feeley
SAYING NO TO something is saying yes to something else.
You can say no and stick to it because you want something different.
No can be hard and also liberating. Look at the alternatives – results – opportunities.
> No to eating sweets or drinking too much alcohol because your health matters.
> No to gossiping because you choose to respect people, not tear them down.
> No to taking on more work than you can handle because you want to be fair to your present projects and clients,
to cut out stress, and have more quality time and peace of mind.
> No, because you have integrity and won’t sell out your beliefs.
Yes – I’m doing what is best for me. I’m better off saying no – happier – healthier – stronger – more faithful, and caring
to myself.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is good to know too – Positive and Negative.