Missed Opportunities

by Michael Feeley
We can miss opportunities and then feel regret and even senselessly beat ourselves up over the loss.
Let’s make a conscious effort to spot and create opportunities. It’s not just about finding them; it’s also about the hard work and determination to pursue them and make them a reality. This is where true success and gratitude lie.
When you see the opportunity, explore it immediately, don’t be judgmental, and decide if it is right for you. Give opportunity a chance.
Once, I signed up for a weekend workshop with great enthusiasm and anticipation, but when I arrived, I was thoroughly disappointed in the setup and atmosphere. I almost left but decided to stay, and boy, was I wrong. I nearly missed a life-changing and highly educational opportunity.
Fear and resistance can stop you, make you pause and hesitate, move too fast, criticize too harshly, and cause you to spend too much time thinking and questioning—Should I try? Am I capable? What if it doesn’t work out?
You whittle down your confidence and wonder, and in the process, the opportunity fades away, and you miss out. Please don’t suffer over the loss. Learn from it and move forward.
These days, there are many more tools to leverage and opportunities to consider and create than ever before.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Create Opportunities.