Magnificent Life Choices

by Michael Feeley
I’m a Life – Career – Change Coach – and every day I write a message and post a photo on LinkedIn and here on
My Coaching Blog to promote the best things in people – to have someone think about their life and changes they would
like to make and then – to make a choice – commit2change – and go after getting what they want.
I’m not looking to coach the world into happiness and magnificence just my smallest viable audience (SVA) the people I am meant to serve, who allow me to connect with them – encouraging gratitude, meeting their dreams, making good life choices about career, vocations, family, integrity, love +++
Like most people, life presented me with some challenges – a near fatal childhood illness, family alcoholism, being bullied, living gay and through it all I made this choice – “You will never break my spirit.” At my lowest I still moved forward; got on my feet and finished the race.
And to be fair to the flip side of life, I also had many wonderful, life dreams come true – a successful acting and singing career in New York City, marvelous vocations in travel, head hunting, real estate, writing and 25 years of true love+++
I think often of these valuable and courageous words by neurologist, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl because they always give me strength and the opportunity to encourage other people to make the best choices they can so they too can live a magnificent, happy life… which I’m profoundly grateful to say – I have!
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing:
the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
The right attitude choice makes for a magnificent life.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with all your connections and create magnificent life choices.
I hope you’ll also like this – What Is Being True to Yourself? 4 Quotes to Find Out.
#238 (photo – Yes! White orchids in my front yard)