
by Michael Feeley
LOYALTY IS NOT much talked about, maybe even forgotten—commitment – trust – respect – yes.
Loyalty is a quality I treasure in my personal life and business.
It’s about allegiance. Being faithful to someone or something and when faced with the choice to desert, betray, or renounce, the loyal person doesn’t. They have courage. They are constant and resolute.
Loyalty is a choice.
It comes from the heart. It’s a virtue and moving emotion filled with love, kindness, and goodwill.
Loyalty can be fierce.
It’s also a delicate thing, and like trust can be lost forever.
There is also self-loyalty. Knowing who you are. Choosing yourself (something hardly encouraged). Following your core values, setting boundaries, practicing integrity, and always telling the truth.
Let’s think more about loyalty.
Renew loyalty in yourself.
Encourage it in others.
Live loyalty. It’s precious.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also is vital – Breaking Trust.