Loving Kindness

by Michael Feeley
THIS MORNING I was doing a “Loving-Kindness Meditation” where you picture in your mind a person you love.
Visualizing every detail about them — how they look and act, the sound of their voice, their unique qualities; using all my senses to capture the deep, rich, loving facts about a specific person I love.
Then I thought — Why can’t I do this with all people?
> Why can’t I have a good hope for anyone, wish them well even if I don’t know them?
> Why gain mental peace and promote kindness for difficult people and release some of my resentment and criticisms?
Every one of us is living life the best way we know how. We’re all trying to be happy, and thinking about showing
loving-kindness to others is one way to fill in and expand your potential for happiness and fairness to other people.
You don’t have to approve of people’s words or actions or even be in their company. This meditation practice helps you keep your mind open and sweet and free of stress because if you like how you think about someone else, consciously hope that good things happen to them, you don’t get all jammed up with judgment, anger, hurt, and irritation that run wild in your head.
All that worthless mental chatter begins to dissolve. You gain peace of mind and heart.
Thanks – Michael
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