Logic and Emotion Together

by Michael Feeley
I LIKE TO understand the feelings I have and why change happens.
I want to know what it’s about and especially to know why something feels good and succeeds and to be able to repeat it
if I want to.
That means enjoying the feeling or experience and asking questions to know the facts behind it – the why – the reasons, putting together:
– Logic and Emotion
– Facts and Feelings
– Scientific Data and Passion
– Precision and Imagination
– Strategy and Magic
– Reality and Dreams
– Confidence and Control
– Left and Right Brain
– Truth and True
– Mind and heart
Wanting to know, understand, and get answers doesn’t lessen or remove the feeling, the event, or the results;
it enhances and magnifies it. It adds truth and value to it. It makes it solid. Lasting. Repeatable.
Actors do this, artists, writers, singers, coaches, teachers, scientists, philosophers, business owners, builders, bakers,
parents +++
If you create something you like and it works, you can do it again if you know why it happened – the logic and the emotion – and perhaps do it better than the first time.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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