Living Out Loud

by Michael Feeley
LIVING OUT LOUD is a phrase I love! It’s bold and free, just how I want to live my life by being me.
Saying what’s on my mind and not hiding.
Going after opportunities and saying yes!
Doing things on purpose and encouraging others also to live out loud.
I first heard the phrase in the 1998 movie Living Out Loud (which has a terrific musical soundtrack).
Then I learned that the great French writer Emile Zola (a major figure in the exoneration of the falsely convicted officer Alfred Dreyfus) said it first:
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I’m here to live out loud!”
It’s thrilling read his words!
What do these three amazing words do to you?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think this also matters – Build An Authentic Agenda.