Listening Is a Skill

by Michael Feeley
YOU CAN PRACTICE the skill of listening.
It’s the desire to hear what another human being is saying, their values, and what they’re yearning for in their soul.
Maybe even howling to be heard.
Even in the pauses, there is meaning… if you pay attention.
When you listen, you focus in on someone besides yourself. It takes courage to listen. You must be present and genuinely care.
Listening is not just hearing words.
We listen all the time – consciously and unconsciously. It’s automatic.
Listening is at the center of all the transformations that take place in life coaching. That’s where the questions come from and then the answers.
There are three levels of listening:
1. *Subjective* everyday listening, relating what is being said only to yourself.
2. *Objective* listening is deeper and focused much more on the other person.
3. *Intuitive* listening is the deepest, where you get to the heart of another person, using all your senses and gut instincts to know and help a person find the answers and maybe change their life for the better.
How fortunate some of us are to have the gift of hearing and the ability to show respect to another human being and
the hope to say – “I hear you. I understand.”
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and let’s start listening better to each other.
I think this will also hook you – Trust Your Self.