Life Typos

by Michael Feeley
LIFE TYPOS are what I’m thinking about.
Let’s start. Typo is short for typographical errors, misprints, or misspellings not seen by an editor or proofreader.
You find typos in books, Blog posts, resumes, advertising, notes++
Will you use the error to have the triumph of contempt that you found a mistake and wipe out the value of the person or the material you’re reading, or will you use your discovery to have compassion, to understand the tiny mistake and make a more significant choice for respect, honoring the meaning the person and their work hold for the welfare of others and even the world?
Let’s go deeper – What about life typos?
Things that might not be perfect in your life – things you may want to change – or even decide to ignore and hope others do not notice your questions, fears, doubts, insecurities, shortcomings, and pain, which too often are seen as weaknesses, imperfections, humiliations, and mistakes.
What if the life typo (life question) is not an error but a choice by the person or something a person must learn to live with?
Will you choose to have empathy and go beyond what seems imperfect to live in another person’s profound depths, complexities, and whole value?
How will you judge the quality of work and the quality of another person – with justice and heart or superiority to think
you are better and brighter?
We are all imperfect.
People are more than their resume – more than an advertisement – more than words on a page.
I believe there are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow, and all kinds of typos can help us do that.
I think of the Japanese word Wabi-Sabi, which is the acceptance of imperfection – the appreciation and gratitude for what is not perfect and even the seeing of beauty in imperfection.
Wabi-Sabi is a kind choice for life typos. It’s a celebration of imperfection – an opportunity to have goodwill.
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I’m grateful to have first learned of Wabi-Sabi from Seth Godin’s Akimbo Podcast – “Quality and Wabi-Sabi” – Click on the title to listen.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Goodwill.