Life Mail

by Michael Feeley
Life mail (as I call it) is like email. All kinds of information comes into your life every day. Opportunities and junk and you
get to decide what has value and what does not.
You’ll like it or not. Learn from it, put it on hold, do nothing or delete it. You have lots of choices.
What are the messages, signs, symbols, flags, sky rockets that the world is sending you (all the time) and why?
Everything from surprises and success to great emotional and physical pain arrive in our life mail and it’s your job to understand and learn from the messages.
Yesterday, out of the blue, I was offered an extraordinary coaching opportunity. I had hoped for this work to happen.
Actually yearned and dreamed for it because I respect the organization and people and the work they do. So, I did intentional visioning work and “Asked the Universe” for help because that kind of sincere, achievable intention works for me.
And even though I had never formally applied for a job, someone saw value in my work and reached out to me.
- What does it mean?
- What is the world telling me?
- How will this message benefit my life and others?
Allow the signals from people, objects, emotions to burn into you, to become you and change you. Get clear. Find an answer. Grow from whatever it is because it helps you to know who you are and how you can be useful to other people and things.
Celebration and struggle, love and fear, anger and laughter enable you to have compassion and kindness
for yourself and others.
Everything in life mail has a reason. Welcome it.
Thanks – Michael
Please pass this out and help people connect to the messages that the world is sending to us all. See what you feel about this too – Core Beliefs – What Are You Made of?