Lead For Change

by Michael Feeley
EVERY DAY YOU get a chance to lead – to do something to express yourself and create change with your life through
the work you do, the products you make, and the services you offer.
Leading is a choice.
A choice of confidence.
A choice of job pride.
A choice to help other people feel good in some way.
A choice to be generous and to do it with joy.
It takes one second to decide to lead, commit, and then you are there.
Today I lead as – a Human Being – Friend – Parent – Teacher – Health Practitioner – Government Official –
Business Owner+++
> Leaders Lead.
> Writers Write.
> Coaches Coach.
> Painters Paint.
> Investors Invest.
> Connectors Connect.
> Collaborators Collaborate.
> Communities Communicate.
See the choices and potential that live in you?
Why not decide to lead today the way you want to?
What are you committed to doing – born to do?
I believe people are looking for you and your work.
Please show up and give them what they want.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please lead by sharing my Daily.
This matters too – Choose to Lead.