Knowing Your True Self

by Michael Feeley
TOO OFTEN WE live our lives for other people. The way we think they want us to live. Being compliant, behaving, compromising, following rules and expectations, and we put our true selves aside.
How do you make choices that have you feel:
This is Me.
This is how I want to live My life.
This is how I was born to live My life.
Here are some suggestions that help me live in integrity as my true self:
> Knowing my core values and standing by my principles.
> Doing what makes me feel happy and free without harming others with my choices.
> Being the same person everywhere I go and with every person.
> Feeling confident in my skin, thoughts, and feelings.
> Respecting and understanding other people and cultures without judgment.
It’s a lifelong process knowing who you are, what you want, and loving yourself. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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