Choices Balance or Corrupt Your Life

by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU KNOW your purpose in life, your reason for being, you have a ‘base for balance’ to count on even in the roughest, most demanding times of your life.
Recently I asked a coaching client — “What is at the center of the active new transitions you’re making?”
Without hesitation, she replied:
“Figuring out what I want out of life and for my life and making it a priority. I have the power to change my circumstances,
gain stability because I can change how I think.”
The choices you make affect the equilibrium of your entire life. They either enhance or corrupt your balance.
We judge ourselves by how fair we are to the outside world, other people and things.
We strive to have integrity in all we do and think. It’s the balancing force in life, like gravity, and if we’re untrue to ourselves, lessen our core values in any way, we’re out of balance with truth, the laws of the universe and self.
Commitment – honesty – compassion – trust – fun – creativity – openness – loyalty – service. All vital choices for life balance.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and create the integrity of balance.
I think this will also hook your attention – Be Yourself.
#449 (photo – Misty Copeland)