Know and Live Your Assets

by Michael Feeley
You have built assets. Skills you worked hard to learn and use in life and work – abilities, gifts, talents, knowledge, experiences, credentials, certificates, projects, achievements, and relationships you’re proud of.
You must thoroughly know and value them to use them for all your work and have others benefit from your assets.
You can promote yourself with honor, pride, humility, and dignity when you own your worth.
Never sit back, waiting to be recognized. Stand up. Step forward. Play full out. Be sensational. Blind people with your brilliance, and happiness and live your greatness.
How far are you willing to go to be and share your particular and immense value?
Where can you ask for what you want and deserve?
How can you create opportunities to achieve your dreams and help others do the same?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – What’s Your Value?