Kind Thoughts

by Michael Feeley
WE HAVE THOUSANDS of thoughts all the time.
Sometimes we are aware of them, and other times no.
Some stick with us more than others.
If you have a thought that nags at you, make a choice to change it. Don’t use negative ideas and feelings to punish yourself and ruin your days.
You can learn to rethink your thoughts.
> Try to understand why you have this thought.
> Where does it come from?
> Then learn from it and turn it around – What’s the flip side of that nagging thought?
Thoughts are powerful things, and you have control over them. You are that wise and that strong to create change.
Please be kind to yourself with your thoughts.
Make sure your thoughts are kind to you and others.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is important too – Kindness is Tough.