Keep Having Empathy

by Michael Feeley
EMPATHY IS YOUR choice and the ability to have feelings for another person. The sincere desire to try and understand (without being judgmental) who they are and what they feel.
You make the profound and emotional decision to stand in the shoes of someone, hoping to see what is going on inside
of their head and heart.
You share in someone’s life – their joy and pain – by wanting to know them, and the sharing, the knowing, and the caring help relieve some of their pain and honor their happiness.
Would you rather feel emotions and hope to help and encourage people or be cold?
Empathy is kind. It’s filled with goodwill.
We all have empathy. We are born with it.
We frequently have empathy without even realizing it – when we see someone crying, we are affected – reading a book or watching a movie and identifying with a character’s ups and downs – listening to the news and seeing what people and countries are going through. We – Feel – Things.
It takes brave work to have empathy. Caring is emotional labor and is needed, rewarding, and healthy for everyone.
Keep Having Empathy.
Keep Having Empathy.
Keep Having Empathy.
Empathy is one of our greatest gifts and something we each yearn for – that other people will have empathy for us.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and let’s keep having empathy for people and our earth.
This is also important – Your Choice for Steady Goodwill.