Justice – Respect – Understanding

by Michael Feeley
I LOOK AT PEOPLE and ask myself – What do I owe you? What do you deserve from me? (strangers, acquaintances, friends, my partner.)
– Respect
– Understanding – the dignity and desire to know you with a sincere hope to say – “I see you.”
– Kindness – my desire to have a good effect on you with my thoughts, words, and actions.
– Goodwill – which sometimes means to keep my distance because the negativity and hatefulness of another person are damaging to engage with, but it doesn’t stop me from trying to know what they feel and think even in silence and separation.
These are some of my choices with the genuine need to be just to another human being, my fellow man. Not to discriminate or judge but to accurately know and describe, to the best of my abilities because I want to. Justice matters to me.
I’m examining myself and my world view to see what corrupts justice and fair seeing in me towards other people –
towards all that is different from me.
Respect and understanding start with me. It’s a lifelong emergent commitment.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and promote justice personally and around the globe. See what I think about this – Diversity and Unity.