Job Pride

by Michael Feeley
WHAT WORK DO you do you’re proud of?
What specific things, activities, skills, contributions, services, and products do you offer that make life better for people?
Everyone has something.
Maybe it’s blogging about change and gratitude, posting it daily on your website and other places.
Maybe it’s teaching the value of yoga – relaxing, stretching, and focusing on freedom, strength and flexibility.
Maybe you publish photographs of places, flowers, and music videos that help people feel good and like the world.
Maybe cleaning pools and gardening.
Painting homes inside and out.
Teaching genetics to future doctors.
Running a boutique hotel.
Renting and fixing cars.
Selling real estate.
Being a personal shopper and stylist for people, homes, and gift ideas.
Driving people places they need to go.
Cooking daily lunch specials.
Offering home care and delivering food to people who may not be able to help themselves.
Surveying land.
Being a housekeeper.
It’s Job Pride – you caring, committing, and consistently showing up that matters and creates value, gratitude, and goodness for other people.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This matters too – Resume Talk.