It’s OK to Indulge Yourself

by Michael Feeley
THERE IS NOTHING wrong with indulging yourself.
Usually, indulgence is seen as something forbidden – something you shouldn’t do. A weakness you go to or give into.
You can indulge yourself and be strong — increase yourself – not lessen who you are or betray your values.
What are the pleasures, desires, passions, and gratifications you want and enjoy?
Maybe it’s shopping, getting a massage, eating at your favorite restaurant, reading, lounging around, walking along a beach, traveling, being alone or close to the people you love.
Why not be extravagant with your wants and choices? Be indulgent. Allowing yourself to think and feel and do what you please and make your life the best it can be. Stronger. Happier without harming anyone else.
Every action you indulge in shapes your life.
I’m reminded of these words from the Upanishads –
You are what your deepest desire is.
As is your desire, so is your intention.
As is your intention, so is your will.
As is your will, so is your deed.
As is your deed, so is your destiny.
Indulgence can be sacred, honoring rituals and beliefs such as truth, kindness, goodwill, gratitude, love, justice, which are irresistible values deep within our nature, and they have much to teach us.
Thanks – Michael
Please send this post out to your communities and change how people see indulgence.
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