It’s Not Just Pie In the Sky

by Michael Feeley
We should be careful when telling someone their hope, wish, or passion is pie in the sky, an unattainable goal, or an unrealistic dream. Doing so may crush creativity and positive change for people and the world.
Who or what has achieved pie in the sky?
How did it come to be?
Look at the printing press, the Wright brothers flying, finding the Titanic, Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States of America, the internet, gay marriage and rights, the telephone, electricity, cars, women’s right to vote, to hold office and church positions, getting into a prestigious school or program, winning the Olympics, walking on the moon, the end to coal production…
I believe you should logically and passionately think about what you want, see if it is possible, achievable, doable, and go after it. There is always a way to get what you want. Make a strategic, loving plan and try.
Pipe dreams are flexible opportunities and possibilities. Dream Big.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Don’t Put Your Dreams Away.