Interview Talk

by Michael Feeley
A JOB INTERVIEW is a conversation.
It’s an opportunity, an adventure to talk – listen – ask questions about an open position in a company – learning about other people and the work you might be doing to see if it’s right for you.
Be yourself.
Be confident with the facts and truth about who you are and the skills and life experience you offer.
Be clear about why you are the right person for the job.
There are specific answers. You’re in control of your choices. You’re interviewing the company as much as they
are interviewing you.
Ask yourself:
> What do I do better than anyone else on the face of the earth?
> Why should a company hire me out of all the other people applying?
Try this:
> Write a paragraph describing why you are the best person for the job.
> Then edit it down to two sentences.
> Then write one simple sentence.
> And finally discover one word.
Remember – You are a remarkable person. One of a kind. You have dreams. Know and share your valuable gifts.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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