How Much Do People Matter?

by Michael Feeley
IF YOU’RE BUILDING a workshop or presence on LinkedIn or other social media platforms, it raises questions about your purpose and goals. It’s crucial to be clear since you’re dealing with people and creating a change.
– What do you owe the people who respond to your presence – your posts – offerings?
– What choice will you make when someone spends the time to write a comment to you? Will you ignore it, say nothing, or answer respectfully? A reply shows care and gratitude. Thank You is one of the most prominent builders of business, loyalty, and reputation.
Whatever you decide to do reflects on your character and helps a person determine if they trust you and will work with you. After all, these people are your audience, followers, possible future clients, customers, and human beings like you. They want to know they count; how they talk about you is vital. Word of mouth is the greatest sales tool any business can have.
I took an online marketing course in 2017 – The Marketing Seminar – created by Seth Godin – with hundreds of others worldwide. During the workshop, Hurricane Irma and Maria hit the island where I lived, and a day later, I got an email from Seth Godin asking how I was and how my home, family, and other people on the island survived. I didn’t know Seth, but I was overwhelmed by his goodwill and genuine care. I mattered to him.
Whatever course or project Seth Godin offers, I’m there. I buy any book or product he provides, tell others about it, and give it out to many people because he is a leader I consistently respect, and like me, I know other people will benefit greatly from his work and generosity. I have never been disappointed or let down.
See what I’m pointing at?
– How much do people matter to you?
– How willing are you to show how valuable people are to your life and work?
I ask these questions of myself and the executives I coach because how you treat people will either build your good name and business or tear it down.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Serving People.