How Do You Want to Show Up?

by Michael Feeley
HOW DO YOU choose to show up for anything and everything in your life?
If you’re auditioning for the Metropolitan Opera, do you walk out on stage and start apologizing – “Hi. I just learned this song and have a slight cold, so I’ll try my best. Thanks for understanding.”
If you have a job interview, do you show up in flip flops and a sundress and tell them you only have 15 minutes because your car is double parked.”
How much do you care?
How do professionals decide to show up?
How does an amateur or hobbyist choose to show up?
Don’t ever put yourself off.
Don’t put yourself on mute or hit pause.
Don’t be generic and forgettable.
Stand out in a line.
Raise your hand and ask for what you want.
Always be prepared.
Have resumes and recommendations with you.
Consistently carry around your repertoire of songs.
Hold a collection of writing samples.
Present a portfolio of art and a website for people to view your work.
Hand out your business cards.
Give away your book.
Be sensational from the moment you appear – shine, soar, and show off your skills and values. Mesmerize people. Get a standing ovation – “Nobody else will do.”
None of this is over the top. You have your way of presenting your worth, achieving your goals, and succeeding. I’m just giving you creative options.
Self-respect and confidence are irresistible and memorable, encouraging respect and trust from others.
If you matter, and you do, people will see you count.
If you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also essential – Integrity is Being True to Yourself.