Hope Is a Powerful Emotion

by Michael Feeley
TODAY IS JUNETEENTH – A holiday about Delayed Freedom…
There are things you hope for. What are they, and why?
If you’re clear about your hopes, what you desire, you should go after making your hopes happen… with speed and passion.
Hope to get a job, hope to meet the love of your life, hope for good health, financial security, respect, happiness, racial equality.
Hope is a powerful emotion rooted in optimism and the profound desire for positive outcomes of something you anticipate. Hope creates change.
Please discover what you’re hoping for – define your wishes, so you’re not just dreaming them but working to make them
a reality.
Even hopelessness has hope in it – just take out the “…lessness.”
Martin Luther King sees hope like this – “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”
Thanks – Michael
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This might also connect with you – HOPE.